10 Silly Exercises To Help You to Stay Sane In Stressful Moments

Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

Image courtesy of: Beeve1

You can’t breathe. Things around you are getting blurred and you’re going nuts. That moment of insanity is creeping up on you. Oh, no! It has to stop.

You get those moments of insanity, don’t you? Everybody does. Don’t panic when you feel those insane moments are creeping up on you. Relax or chill. Just don’t panic.

Stressful moments are actually survivable. You can get through them unscathed and sane. The best part is that you don’t need any kind of medication or therapy to survive stressful moments.

Author and writer, Therese Borchard shares an interesting list of relaxing exercises she learned from Lauren Brukner’s book entitled The Kid’s Guide To Staying Awesome And In Control.

Here’s that list of relaxing exercises that can really help you through some stressful moments. The exercises may seem silly at first but they can definitely get you through stressful moments.

10. Bubble Breath

It is so simple and calming.

9. Shaking

Did you know that animals relieve their stress by shaking? Lots of animals like antelopes shake off their fear after being frozen in panic to escape a predator.

8. Superman Pose

If you do Bikram yoga, the superman pose is basically the full locust position (airplane position), except the arms and the hands are stretched out in front of you, not to the sides.

7. Wall Push

You simply push against the wall with flat palms and feet planted on the floor for five to ten seconds.

6. Hugging Yourself

Did you know that a ten-second hug a day can change biochemical and physiological forces in your body that can lower risk of heart disease, combat stress, fight fatigue, boost your immune system, and ease depression?

5. Mindful Monkey Stretch

This exercise is extremely effective at releasing the tension we hold in different parts of our body.

4. Mindful Sighing

Basically you breathe in to a count of five through your mouth, and then you let out a very loud sigh, the sound you hear your teenager make.

3. Closing Your Eyes

Just lying in bed with our eyes closed allows for some chill time that we need before being bombarded with stimulation.

2. Palm Push

By pushing your palms together and holding for five to ten seconds, you give your body “proprioceptive input,” according to Brukner, which “lets your body know where it is in space.”

1. Hand Massage

Simply use the thumb of one hand and press around the palm of the other hand. It’s very soothing.

You can learn more about Bubble Breath and the rest of the relaxing exercises from There’s a full article that you can find here at EverydayHealth.com. It’s an article worth reading especially if you always want to stay sane.





